Cigarette Brands and Nicotine Rates (2021)

Cigarette Brands and Nicotine Rates (2021)

The harms of smoking are endless, yes, it causes serious health problems such as lung diseases and heart attack. Experts warn those who consume cigarettes infrequently, those who prefer low-value cigarette brands (light) and those who use cigarette filters. He adds that such situations provide a sense of comfort in the person, and that the psychological and physical threat continues at the same level. In other words, the fact that the values ​​​​such as nicotine in cigarettes are low does not mean that they are less harmful. Studies have confirmed that smoking cigarettes with a filter is more harmful. Another interesting piece of information is on menthol cigarettes. It is claimed that menthol cigarettes open the bronchioles and create a more suitable environment for the tar to pass into the lungs. In summary, while we want to minimize the harms of smoking, we are actually doing it wrong. On the agenda of the European Union, there are those that will enact laws to encourage and ban menthol cigarettes.

Nicotine, Tar (Tar) and Carbon monoxide Values ​​of Cigarettes:

Parliament Category

Parliament Reserve (*Heaviest cigarette on the market!*)
Tar : 10 mg
Nicotine: 1mg
Carbon monoxide: 10 mg

Parliament Night Blue
Tar : 10 mg
Nicotine: 0.7mg
Carbon monoxide: 10 mg

Parliament Aqua Blue
Tar : 8 mg
Nicotine: 0.6mg
Carbon monoxide: 9 mg

Parliament Aqua Blue (Menthol)
Tar : 8 mg
Nicotine: 0.7mg
Carbon monoxide: 9 mg

Parliament Slim
Tar : 7 mg
Nicotine: 0.6mg
Carbon monoxide: 6 mg

Parliament One
Tar : 1 mg
Nicotine: 0.1mg
Carbon monoxide: 1 mg

Marlboro Category:

Marlboro Red and Red Click
Tar : 10 mg
Nicotine: 0.8mg
Carbon monoxide: 10 mg

Marlboro Light
Tar : 8 mg
Nicotine: 0.6mg
Carbon monoxide: 9 mg

Marlboro Blue Ices (Menthol)
Tar : 8 mg
Nicotine: 0.5mg
Carbon monoxide: 9 mg

Marlboro Touch Blue
Tar : 7 mg
Nicotine: 0.6mg
Carbon monoxide: 8 mg

Marlboro Touch Grey:
Tar : 4 mg
Nicotine: 0.4mg
Carbon monoxide: 4 mg


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