What is Anime? Is anime a cartoon?

What is Anime?

Anime is the name given to the type of drawing made in Japan since ancient times. The Anime is divided into 3 These are Normal Anime, Manga, and Hentai in short.

The word anime is derived from the English word Animation. It may have taken a path like Animation- Animate-Anime.

Anime types

1) Normal Anime

Normal anime is divided into many genres such as emotional anime, war anime, fighting anime, teen anime, supernatural anime and so on.

There are many things in normal anime that we cannot or can see in real life. It can be fantastic things like flying, destroying the world with a single punch, turning into a 150-metre-tall giant.

2) Manga

Manga covers all genres in regular anime. But the only difference is that mangas are books, that is, comics. Almost all animes are redrawn of manga in digital environment and turned into video.

3) Hentai

Hentai literally means pervert in Japanese. As can be understood from the meaning of the word, they are perverse animes. Drawn digital anime girls with big tits big ass make love or have love, you can meet in anime or manga. Hentailer is shamelessly sold publicly in most places in Japan. You can find them on the shelves of the bookstore.

And anime is not cartoon. It is a type of drawing that has its roots for many years.


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